Gabrielle Macdonald - Sport Inspired by You

As part of our new Sport Inspired by You campaign we have taken real life stories from athletes of all abilities to inspire the next generation of athletes. Sport is a great way to improve yourself both physically and mentally as well as a great way to make new friends. Many do often wonder how others got started or can be overwhelmed at the beginning stages. So let these stories show you how anyone can get involved and just how fun and exhilarating sport can be.
What got you interested in golf?
My Dad introduced me to the game around the age of 10. I can remember tagging along with my Dad and his friends who were playing a round at Prestonfield Golf Club and I was desperate to have a shot. Not long after that I started going along to junior group coaching sessions at Melville Driving Range. I've had the bug ever since and I started playing in national competitions when I was 14. I always enjoyed playing sports and I've always been very competitive. I love golf as it's never the same each day and there is always room to improve, so it keeps you hungry for more!
Who has been your inspiration throughout your career (both personally and professionally)?
My biggest sporting idol is Andy Murray. What he has achieved in tennis is incredible given he has been competing alongside some of the best ever tennis players. I really admire his passion and resilience. From a golfing perspective, Catriona Matthew, is a big inspiration for me. She has had a long and successful golfing career and is from North Berwick, so not that far from me. She has been Scotland's top female golfer since I started playing the game and is a great role model on and off the course!
On a personal level my mum, who sadly passed away in December, has been my biggest inspiration in my life. She was a really strong, determined and independent woman who never gave up and she definitely inspires me to keep doing my best and make her proud.
What are your current goals?
This is my first season as a professional and I am playing on the Ladies European Tour Access Series. I want to keep improving all parts of my game and I'd love to finish in the top 15 on the Order of Merit. I'm also aiming to secure playing rights for the Ladies European Tour in 2020.