Angus Smith - Sport Inspired by You

As part of our new Sport Inspired by You campaign we have taken real life stories from athletes of all abilities to inspire the next generation of athletes. Sport is a great way to improve yourself both physically and mentally as well as a great way to make new friends. Many do often wonder how others got started or can be overwhelmed at the beginning stages. So let these stories show you how anyone can get involved and just how fun and exhilarating sport can be.
What got you interested in triathlons?
Having played rugby for 6 years through secondary school and been involved with numerous different sports throughout my life up until that point, I fancied a new challenge and something a bit different. It just so happened that my school was setting up a triathlon club during my final year of Sixth Form so I joined this and got stuck in! Having not swam at all since primary school this was one of the biggest challenges, but before long I took part in my first triathlon in Lincoln in April 2013 and I was hooked from then on.
Who has been your inspiration throughout your career?
I have never really aspired to be like any particular sports person or to achieve what a certain person has done, more look into how different people have achieved what they have and take different aspects from each and apply it to my own training and racing to hopefully achieve the best outcome!
Any goals both small and large scale you have set yourself you have achieved or are working towards
My current short-term goals are to get fit again and return to some sort of racing later in the season after having to take a few months off over winter following a car accident. This will likely be single sport races (TT’s, cycling crits, open water swimming etc) with maybe a late season triathlon thrown in to see where I’m at before hopefully having a much better winter of training. Looking forward to 2020 I am hoping to compete in British and National Championship races across the different distances in triathlon and duathlon and also continue with the single sport racing, hopefully attaining my 2nd cat cycling license. Longer term I hope to be back at the pointy end of middle distance/70.3 triathlon racing and maybe gain my pro license at this distance!